A study of 200 asthma patients shows that 66% of them face difficulty sleeping peacefully at night. People with asthma mostly report that symptoms, like coughing, sneezing, snoring, and breathing issues, disturb them more in the middle of their sleep.

Most asthma sufferers, like Jim, have to depend on taking pills or inhalers to alleviate their asthma attacks.

Speaking of which, Jim, a 26-year-old man, had a sensitivity to dust. As he was aging, his allergic reactions led to the development of asthma symptoms. Over time, coughing, sneezing, and other breathing issues made his life miserable.

From what we know, once attending an important conference, Jim suddenly got an asthma attack. Fortunately, he had his medicines and inhaler with him.

With time, depending on the inhaler became more stressful.

One day he decided on attending an asthma awareness workshop where he learned how inadequate sleep increases the risk of it. Jim was completely unaware of the fact that symptoms of asthma could be linked to sleep. The workshop was a turning point in his life.

Now, aware of the causes and symptoms, he was determined to improve his sleep pattern. He invested in bedroom essentials, including an organic latex mattress, air purifier, and other good quality bedding items to achieve a peaceful night’s sleep.

After a certain time, Jim noticed a slight improvement in his asthma symptoms since his conditions were mild. Additionally, he also noticed how good sleep enhanced his mood and energy.

Did you know that people sleeping for less than 6 hours experience 1.5 times more asthma attacks than those who sleep the recommended 7 to 9 hours every night?

In this article, we will take a closer look at how asthma is associated with sleep disorders.

How is Asthma Associated with Sleep Disorders?

Inadequate sleep or sleeping disorders can make asthma worse.

Health experts suggest if any of your biological family members are a patient of asthma, you must be very careful about your sleep quality. Several studies, like one published in the journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research, have shown that people with poor sleep habits are twice as likely to develop genetic asthma than people with a better sleep routine.

Below are some poor sleep consequences that health experts consider to be the root cause of asthma.

  • Inflammation

Increased levels of systemic inflammation have been linked to poor sleep habits, including insufficient sleep time or disturbed sleep. Inflammation plays a significant role in the development of asthma and can cause narrowing of the airways and breathing problems.

  • Disrupted Circadian Rhythm 

The circadian rhythm, or internal clock, of the body, can be disturbed by irregular sleep habits. This disruption may have an adverse effect on several physiological functions, including immunological and lung function, which may be associated with developing symptoms of asthma.

  • Increased Stress

Sleep problems might make you more stressed and anxious. Cortisol and other stress hormones may produce airway inflammation and compression, triggering asthma symptoms.

  • Immunological Dysfunction

Sleep is essential for maintaining immune system balance. Chronic sleep deprivation or poor quality of sleep can weaken the immune system, leaving people more vulnerable to respiratory infections and possibly causing asthma or worsening asthma symptoms.

Bedroom Essentials to Alleviate Asthma Symptoms

For those with asthma, creating a bedroom environment that encourages clean air and reduces asthma triggers is crucial. Consider the following bedroom necessities and advice:

  • Hypoallergenic Mattress

A hypoallergenic mattress can help lessen asthma symptoms by reducing exposure to common allergens.

Dust mites, mildew, and pet dander are known asthma triggers. These microelements prefer warm, humid settings, such as those found in conventional mattresses. Such mattresses may trap moisture, providing an ideal habitat for mold and mildew to develop.

A hypoallergenic mattress, like a latex mattress, is made to withstand them. The organic materials of these mattresses frequently serve as barriers against allergies. This kind of mattress also has antibacterial qualities, preventing the growth of mold and mildew.

Also, some conventional mattresses have the potential to release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are substances that may irritate the respiratory system and exacerbate asthma symptoms. Hypoallergenic mattresses are generally made with low-Voc and non-toxic materials. Therefore, sleeping on such a mattress can improve respiratory health for asthma sufferers.

  • Ventilation

To improve air quality and lessen asthma triggers, asthma patients must have enough bedroom ventilation. To lessen indoor air pollution, make sure there is adequate airflow by keeping windows open when the weather permits.

  • Air Purifier

Due to their increased sensitivity to airborne allergens and irritants, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks and breathing problems. An air purifier in the bedroom can considerably reduce asthma symptoms by enhancing indoor air quality.

HEPA filters, which are used in air purifiers, are effective in capturing and trapping airborne allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. Thus, reducing the amount of these particles in the air can help prevent asthma-related problems. asthma sufferers would especially benefit from this, as exposure to airborne dust can aggravate their respiratory problems.

  • Room Temperature

To establish a pleasant and asthma-friendly environment, asthma patients must maintain a suitable bedroom temperature. Avoid too hot or cold environments since these can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Usually, 68°F to 72°F (20°C to 22°C) is considered an ideal temperature range for people with asthma.

Wrap Up

Several studies show a strong connection between sleep disturbances and the risk of developing or exacerbating asthma. Poor sleep hygiene, including limited hours of sleep and interrupted sleep, might increase the risk of asthma by causing inflammation, immune system dysfunction, an accelerated stress response, and decreased airway clearance.

Organic bedding, especially a latex mattress, can offer enough comfort to asthma sufferers. Due to their hypoallergenic properties and dust-resistance qualities, organic latex mattresses can be a great option for minimizing sleep difficulties for asthma patients.

In case you're suffering from chronic asthma symptoms, consider talking with a healthcare professional for better treatment.